On This Page
- Connect SAASU
- Initial Sync
- Refresh Button
- Settings
- Products from SAASU
- Inventory from SAASU
- Products to SAASU
- Customers to SAASU
- Orders / Invoices to SAASU
- Payments
- Schedule
- Save, Start, Pause & Run Now
Sync your Neto data with your SAASU account automatically. The app will sync products, inventory, customers, orders, and transactions.
To get started add the SAASU and Neto app from within the Neto add-on store.
There are a number of steps required in getting your Neto and SAASU accounts syncing data.
Connect SAASU
- Go to the Connections page
- Click Connect SAASU Account at the top right and enter your username and password. Select product group. Press authenticate.
- Once authenticated successfully you can continue setup.
Initial Sync
On the Settings page, select SAASU account and SAASU file, then click the Initial Sync button to import historical data to the app. This will import all your products, customers, and inventory from both SAASU and Neto into the app (this is required before starting the normal synchronization job). This only has to be run once before starting the integration and will not export anything to either store. If you do not run the initial sync first, you may have duplicate products appear in either store and some orders not being processed.
Refresh button
If at anytime data is not loading on the page please click the Refresh button to load the setting options.
You now can configure your data flow settings before switching on the integration.
If you are already creating products in Neto and SAASU and wish to remain this way, please ensure the products to and from SAASU are not ticked.
- Select an integration date to start syncing data. Note: if you used other 3rd party apps before for syncing data, then it would be better to set it to a recent date as most of your existing data is already synced by other apps, it may waste your API calls which can make the process very slow and hit the Saasu rate limiting.
- Select the tax code to be used for products sold and invoice with tax.
- Select whether the tax is inclusive or exclusive.
- Select the tick boxes for the data flows you wish to set up.
Products from SAASU
This process will create a new product in your Neto account whenever you create a new item (product) in SAASU. This will not create variants in Neto. You can decide to whether only import active products from your SAASU account:
Inventory from SAASU
This will import your inventory from SAASU and export it into the Neto warehouse selected.
Products to SAASU
If you create products in Neto this process will export them to your SAASU account, each variant will be created as a new item in SAASU. You will need to fill out the accounts that the product will be created under, these are generic and we are unable to change them per product. You may edit the settings at any time if you change these accounts.
Customers to SAASU
This process will create a new contact in SAASU every time you get a new customer in Neto. (Note, it will only export customers to SAASU who have orders in your Neto store)
Orders/Invoices to SAASU
This process will export orders from your Neto store as invoices in SAASU. The order process has multiple optional and required settings:
- Choose how you want the customer of the order to be set. If you choose "Use Default", then you must search and select a default customer from your SAASU account (the customer search box only supports searching by customer's full email address). If you select "From Order", you can still set up a default customer in case we can't find this customer from your order.
- Choose a "shipping item" from your SAASU account (search by item code or description), this item will be applied to your SAASU invoice line items when your Neto order has a shipping fee. (This is because SAASU invoice doesn't support shipping fee)
- You can set a custom order prefix for your SAASU invoice (this is optional). If your order ID is N46029 and your order prefix is "SYNC", then your SAASU invoice number will be "SYNC-N46029".
- Choose SAASU invoice type, by default it is "Sale Order".
Select a default account for products in the Default Line Item Account drop down. This will be used for products which aren’t associated with an account in Neto.
- You may choose what the order status in Neto should be before exporting to SAASU.
- You can decide whether to use SAASU auto-generated invoice number or not. This will replace your original Neto order ID, and use a numeric ID for your SAASU invoice number.
Payments to SAASU
This will export all Neto payments to SAASU. The payment process has multiple optional and required settings:
- you will need to select the default payment account that these will be deposited into. We also provide payment methods mapping between platforms.
- You can decide whether to handle overpayment or not, if you want us to handle overpayment for you, then you need to select a SAASU liability account to receive the overpayment. (Note, if you don't tick the "Handle OverPayment" option, then when your Neto payment total exceeds your Neto order total, the payment of this order will not be exported to SAASU because SAASU doesn't allow overpayment)
- You can also set up a payment method mapping between Neto and SAASU (this is optional), when you set this up, we will map your Neto payment method to your SAASU payment method when exporting payments to SAASU.
When you click the start button on the app, the schedule you set will be used. The minimum interval is every 15 minutes which is:
Note: if your data is large or you have just run the initial sync, it is not recommended to set the schedule too frequent as this may hit the Saasu API rate limit:
Save, Start, Pause & Run Now
Once your settings are entered click the save button. If all required settings have been set and saved, the Start button will become available. Click Start to begin scheduled data flows.
The app also has the option to trigger data flows instantly by hitting the Run Now button. This option doesn't require a schedule to be set.